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Fraud & White Collar Crime

Compliance has become a key concept, not only in the financial sector, but in the business community at large. Companies are increasingly adopting preventative measures to identify and resolve potential regulatory and compliance issues at the earliest possible stage.

The requirements of legislators and regulators have markedly intensified in recent years. Companies and organisations that do not comply with their obligations may experience adverse consequences in terms of image and maybe exposed to criminal or corporate law proceedings.

Dedicated specialists

ISG Insurance is one of the select few large law firms with a Fraud & White-Collar Crime practice group. Our lawyers resolve issues concerning insider trading, market abuse, compliance, internal investigations (including recovery), criminal and corporate law proceedings, auditing regulations, disciplinary cases, fraud and anti-corruption legislation (including the UK Bribery Act and FCPA), sanction legislation, anti-money-laundering legislation, tax fraud and cybercrime. We assist companies and organisations preventively, before rules may have been breached, but we also offer support in the aftermath, where a breach has been established.

International expertise

For more than twenty-five years, we've served clients with expertise that combines financial economic sanction law and administrative law. Cross border issues regularly occur in our practice.





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Canada Office

106 St #110, Edmonton, AB T5J 2Y2, Canada

Tel: +16042568566

Hong Kong Office, 

10-14/F, One Island East 18 Westlands Road, Island East Hong Kong

United Kingdom Office

Station Rd, New Romney, TN28 8LG, United Kingdom

United Kingdom 

Nairobi, Kenya Office

Allianz Plaza - 4th Floor, 96  Riverside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya


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